Welcome to our website, I am delighted to be appointed Head Teacher of such a wonderful school and very proud of the ethos and life of the school. Our staff, pupils and families work extremely hard to ensure that our values are at the very heart of all we do at Halfmerke.
Respect - Honesty - Trying our best - Friendships - inclusion
Our school values meaningful learning for all pupils and a strong ethos of inclusion lies at the heart of all that we do. We aim for each child to achieve their full potential in their academic learning and by providing them with a variety of experience in other areas.
Each learner at Halfmerke is unique, bringing their own special needs, talents and interests. We support each learner to engage with learning in all aspects of the curriculum and to be the best they can be. We work together to make our school a better place for all pupils learning.
'Working and learning together to achieve excellence.'
I hope our website aims to give you a glimpse of life at Halfmerke and some of the work and projects by our wonderful pupils and extended families at Halfmerke, as well as providing lots of useful information and help to support your child.
If you are looking for further information about our school, please get in touch via the school office on 01355 2211982 or office@halfmerke-pri.s-lanark.sch.uk I am always keen to get to know more about our school community.
Ms Lynda Hogg
Head Teacher